The conference aims at sharing the results of the LABOUR-INT 2 project, through which the ETUC, SGI Europe together with the involvement and support of several national, European and International organisations have been advocating for a multi-stakeholder approach in setting up inclusive integration paths of migrants and refugees in the European labour market.
The event will give participants an overview of the current European migration context and of migrant’s labour market integration, including the presentation of the various national pilot actions that were deployed throughout the project. It will also provide with the opportunity to reflect on the lessons learned since the first phase of LABOUR-INT until now with the inevitable consequences of the COVID crisis on European labour markets and on the integration of migrants and refugees.
The event takes place on Zoom on 4 March 2021 from 9.00 to 13.00 CET.
Interpretation will be available in English, French, Italian, Spanish, German and Greek.
Find here the AGENDA of the event.
Please register HERE!
What Labour-INT is:
Labour-INT promotes inclusion of asylum-seekers and refugees in the labour market. Building on the interest and capacities of businesses, chambers of industry and commerce, trade unions and migrant associations, Labour-INT promotes multi-layered integration paths, from arrival up to the workplace, passing through education, training and job placement.
What Labour-INT does:
Labour-INT establishes a closer cooperation between public and private businesses, chambers of commerce and industries, trade unions and migrants’ associations by exchanging objectives, methods and practices of labour market integration of refugees and asylum-seekers.
The action includes national pilot actions which bring benefits in the short and medium term to third-country nationals, as they are directly involved or because they are the first beneficiaries of increased capacity of public and private businesses to provide assistance for integration of asylum-seekers and refugees. Labour INT partners work together to set a playing field for successful national pilot actions.
What Labour-INT wants:
Partners of this project have already identified current and upcoming practices that mobilise social partners at local level. Building on them, the project attaints two main results:
1. Building value for asylum-seekers and refugees adapting labour market instruments to the specific situation of asylum-seekers and refugees in a context of equal treatment with domestic workers.
2. Building value for businesses, trade unions, authorities and labour market institutions promoting multi-stakeholder operational frameworks.
Whom Labour-INT is for?
Direct and main beneficiaries are asylum-seekers and refugees as they directly benefit from the action and from the improved capacity of businesses, trade unions and migrants’ associations to assist them for a faster transition into the labour market and in the workplace.
Labour-INT Methodological Layers
Network building: All the actions are multi-stakeholder and feed participation and ownership at both European and national level.
Capacity building: partners upgrade their capacities of to create operational framework autonomously or in partnership with other (public and private) players.
Result-oriented pilot actions: pilot actions are selected there where conditions to obtain tangible and long-standing results are identified.
Prioritising skills assessment and skills matching. Capitalising on existing theoretical frameworks, partners set conditions for a more effective detection and matching of professional skills.
Connected Networks and Projects
- The UnionMigrantNet (UMN), the European Trade Unions’ Network of Assistance for Migrants’ Integration led by the ETUC
- The European Refugees Integration Action Scheme (ERIAS) project led by Formaper and supported by EUROCHAMBRES
- The European Migrant Entrepreneurship Network (EMEN)project
- The EC initiative Employers together for integration to support labour market integration
Join Labour-INT:
Make YOUR action a Labour-INT Pilot action: if you are running a concrete action in favour of refugees and you want to make it a Labour-INT pilot action. Upgrade your action by:
- Sharing and multiplying practices
- Establishing partnership with other stakeholders
- Opening new opportunities to refugees that you assist
Contact us
Mercedes Miletti
Sarrah Bentahar
Project Officer
Belgian follow-up event organised by CEPAG
18 December 2020
2020-12-18 - CEPAG - Labour-Int - Programme ENGLISH
2020-12-18 - CEPAG - Labour-Int - Programme FRANCAIS
2020-12-18 - CEPAG - Labour-Int - Programme Nederlands
TSD 'TIK Final National Dissemination Conference'
14 December 2020
Greek training seminars,
Athens 8 October to 19 November 2019
Second Steering Committee Meeting,
Brussels, 28 November 2019
“For the ETUC, Labour-INT is not only a project. It is a piece of our strategy on migration and asylum . The trade union movement is aware that the arrival of new people in Europe ”.
Liina Carr
Confederal Secretary
“For the UnionMigrantNet and for the trade union movement in general the equal treatment for all workers, without exceptions, is the core of our demands and the corner”
Marko Tanasic
“Public services employers have an essential role to play in creating job placements for refugees to help integrate them into society. Public services, as such, are first and foremost”
Valeria Ronzitti
General Secretary
“Economic and social partners are well placed to advise and support public authorities at the national and local level in their efforts to develop responses for the labour market”
Maxime Cerutti
Director Social Affairs
“Migration is a process that has been shaping societies and economies for centuries, and the process is not going to stop. Europe is one of the most attractive places in the world to live”
Arnaldo Abruzzini
Chief Executive Officer
“Labour market integration of migrants is not only an economic necessity but also needed for the stability of our societies. It requires a multi-stakeholder approach and strong partnerships”
Liliane Volozinskis
Director for Social Affairs
“Under Costruction”
Teresa Albano
Economic Affairs Officer, Officer of the Coordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA)
“As an organisation which has social dialogue at its very heart, the ILO warmly welcomes the Labour-INT project through which the European social partners commit”
Claire Courteille
This project was funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund