Combining innovation, labour market facilities and solidarity to bring migrants at work. A Belgian multi-stakeholder action.

The CEPAG, Centre d'Education Populaire André Genot (non profit with 82 staff members) is dedicated to :

Trainings with the popular education methodology.

  • Working classes public with FGTB (socialist union).
  • Work with 9 federated regional structures in Wallonia and Brussels.
  • Issues in the fields of education and training, culture, employment and unemployment, economy, retraining cells, environment, mobility, non discrimination, public services, citizenship, ….
  • produce analysis, studies and brochures, organize debates, conferences and communication campaigns, and produce videos broadcasted on the public TV channel as well as on Youtube (CEPAG TV and Regards Emissions TV)

Objectives of the pilot action in Belgium

Background analysis and definition of a methodology for assessment/validation of skills of asylum seekers.

  • Context analysis in Walloon region and Brussels.
    Field analysis with regional job office (Forem) board of directors and network expertise.
  • Designing of a specific methodology to identify skills of migrants we will support.
  • Survey of local migrant needs on job market.
  • Identification of gaps between legal framework and job market realities.
  • Identification of skills migrant need to get to be eligible on labour market.

Testing of a methodology to identify migrant’s skills or specific training needs.

  • 40 asylums seekers would be involved in a skills identification multilayers approaches (FSL,...)
  • Adaptation of regular tests and formal procedures used for unemployed people to migrant profiles or designing of new ones.
  • Local partnership dynamic with non profit, migrant associations, businesses, employers.
  • A multi-stakeholder event to promote cooperation among business, trade unions and local authorities.

A multi-stakeholder event to promote cooperation among business, trade unions and local authorities:

  • Analyse the results of survey and activities led with 40 asylum-seekers in Walloon region & Brussels.
  • Collaborative mapping to match migrant’s skills with employer’s needs on specific scopes.
  • Experience conducted by 5 events with local associations and businesses to assess network efficiency.

Advocating for a migrant’s skills assessment system in a European sustainability approach.

  • To raise awareness to extend the accreditation of national work experiences to asylum seekers.
  • To develop links between migrant skills recognizing approaches and formal qualification system.
  • To enhance transfers of migrant job’s referential frameworks between lifelong learning institutions in Europe and workplace.
    Analyse how methodologies and tests can be transferred in other national contexts.

Contact person:

Didier Pironet